Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Volume 5: What is the Emerging Church?

Here is an excellent example of a church using an emerging worship paradigm. We've done some things like this at our church, too. Using the fine arts is a great way to communicate the message of God in an open way. Words are so confining, yet art is beyond words...it speaks to the very soul, and I believe God speaks through it. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is new? This is innovative? Can anyone say "Chalk Talk"?

Mark said...

I don't believe I used these words for this witness through art.

Most of the Emerging Church's thoughts are not "new." In fact many are ancient, though some are through a Post-Modern lens.

While the tone was a little harsh, it was a good question. I would tweak the Qoheleth: There is little new under the sun. Newer isn't necessarily better.

My point was that fine arts are great for communicating the message of God due to the openness of viewing...as opposed to being told.

Thanks for commenting, broken

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